Kate Stoltz Recipes

Chicken Meatball Recipe Posted on 28 Jun 19:32 , 1 comment

I almost always cook dinner on Sunday night, and am starting to love the tradition of cooking a lavish meal once a week. A home cooked meal is something that I enjoy, especially when I have a busy week and simply want to enjoy food, a good recipe, and good company. Meatballs take a little while to make, but I usually make a batch and freeze the leftovers. That way I have a delicious but quick dinner or lunch when I don't have the time to cook.

sunday night meatball recipe

Kate Stoltz Gazpacho Soup Posted on 13 Apr 13:47 , 0 comments

I never have a lot of spare time during the summer weeks, which makes snacking on unhealthy foods a lot more tempting if I don't have something healthy and yummy that is ready to go.  Gazpacho soup is something perfect to make a large batch of and serve over the course of the busy week. It is basically vegetables and spices and is easy to make. It also is a good recipe to make if you don't know what to do with all the ripe vegetables in your fridge.